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A Christian presence in every community
16541 results found for 'clergy office holders pastoralandclosedchurches closedchurches closed churches available longload aspx'
NEWS / The Court of Appeal has upheld the freedom of clergy to be office holders rather than employees with its judgement in the case regarding former Worcestershire vicar, Mark Sharpe.
Details of all the closed church buildings currently available for sale or lease from the Church of England for suitable uses.
The Closed Churches team aims to find new uses for churches that are no longer needed for worship.
The Statutory Advisory Committee (SAC) gives independent advice to the Church Commissioners and the Churches Conservation Trust on heritage matters relating to closed and closing churches.
The General Synod has backed moves to introduce a statutory entitlement to 36 hours rest a week for clergy office holders in an effort to encourage Church of England priests to take sufficient time off work.
Information on clergy remuneration, expenses and house for duty resources
This page lists all the cases currently being considered by the Commissioners after the statutory consultation period has closed.
Newly-appointed Church Buildings Support Officers have spoken at a special conference of their roles providing practical advice and expertise to the Church of England parishes.
Links to clergy HR legislation, policy and guidance.
All Church of England churches are to close with immediate effect in an effort to help save lives by limiting the transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19.