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Churches and clergy across the country are being invited to take part in discussion about a new partnership aimed at improving the care and wellbeing of ministers, in a ‘Big Conversation’ launched today.
Bishops of the Church of England have each been provided a tree by Forestry England which will form part of The Queen's Green Canopy.
A series of reflections from the Church of England aimed at supporting good mental health during the coronavirus pandemic will provide themes for the BBC Radio 4 Daily Service over the next fortnight.
A school chaplain has spoken of her delight after a song written to share hope during Coronavirus closures went viral, with more than a hundred schools now preparing to record their own versions.
Adam Matthews comments on reports of waste leaking from a tailings dam at Angola's Catoca diamond mine
More than 17,000 online services and events are being provided by Church of England churches following the introduction of the lockdown and restrictions on public worship earlier this year.
General Synod today voted to endorse key priorities for action on safeguarding, focusing on themes which came out of the first set of hearings, in March, by IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) into the ‘Anglican Church’.
The Church Commissioners for England announced today the appointment of Dan Neale as Responsible Investment Social Themes Lead.
Gareth Mostyn has been appointed as Chief Finance and Operations Officer for the National Church Institutions (NCIs) of the Church of England.
Where does the title originate? What does “Supreme Governor” of the Church of England mean? What is the Established Church?