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A Christian presence in every community
104 results found for 'consultation Bentworth'
Church of England submission on Government consultation on mandatory reporting
Church organisations are being invited to give their views on action that could be taken to ensure greater racial equality in the Church of England, as part of work by the Anti-Racism Taskforce.
The Church of England Pensions Board submitted a response to the consultation for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s Exposure Draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information.
Details and timescale published
A consultation hosted by the Archbishop of York took place online from 14 to 16 September and was attended by over 150 delegates.
NEWS / In May of this year the Rt. Revd. Paul Butler, the Bishop of Durham, who is the lead Church of England Bishop for safeguarding, initiated some early-stage work with an external safeguarding consultant to develop plans for a 'Safe Space' for reconciliation for survivors of abuse.
Safeguarding consultant Jane Humphreys has been appointed as the independent reviewer into the Church of England’s handling of the allegations relating to the late Revd Trevor Devamanikkam.
Following the establishment of the National Safeguarding Team in 2015 - replacing a 0.5 national post - the Archbishops' Council has recently reviewed its structure and after consultation will be advertising for a Director of Safeguarding.
FEATURE / Chief Education Officer discusses the Church of England's response to draft guidance on Relationship and Sex Education.
Safeguarding resources, for use in churches across the country, including Bible readings, prayers and suggested hymns, chosen in consultation with survivors, have been published today