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A Christian presence in every community
218 results found for 'consultation Bentworth'
The Anglican-Pentecostal Theological Steering Group recently hosted a joint consultation on baptism and the Holy Spirit.
Consultation on a Routemap net-zero carbon across the Church of England by 2030
Representatives of the Porvoo Communion met in Tallinn for a consultation entitled ‘Minorities and Majorities: A Challenge for Church and Society’.
This page provides details of a six week open consultation, launched on 24th January 2022, on aligning an investor disclosure request with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management.
A Communiqué following the Porvoo Communion Church Leader's Consultation in Porto
This page lists all the current cases in which public consultation is currently open.
Information about the Cathedrals Working Group report and consultation.
This page lists all the cases currently being considered by the Commissioners after the statutory consultation period has closed.
Proposals affecting the benefices of Shrewsbury Holy Cross in the diocese of Lichfield.
This consultation has now closed.
Proposals affecting the closed church of Saint Paul, Truro in the diocese of Truro.