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A Christian presence in every community
647 results found for 'consultation West Bromwich Good Shepherd'
St Cuthman's Church on the Whitehawk Estate in Brighton was on the verge of closing. Following a partnership with another church, it is now a thriving presence in the community.
By simply being at a christening service, you are supporting the parents' decision to have their child baptized. Read on for more about being a guest at a christening.
This guide offers you just some ideas for being a great godparent. You may have many more ideas of your own along the way.
This Guide to parochial fees is published for the information of parochial clergy and parochial church councils.
If you’ve seen banners or posters advertising a Messy Church near to you but you’re not sure what it’s about, find out how you can get involved.
Do you want to help your church on its journey to net zero carbon but don’t know where to start?
The Church of England’s Net Zero Carbon Programme can help.
Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment.
A report to reclaim the very purpose of housing – as the basis for community, and a foundation for human flourishing.
The Hyde Park Estate is owned by the Church Commissioners for England and is the secret corner of London’s West End, located within a stone’s throw of the glorious tranquillity of Hyde Park.