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A Christian presence in every community
111 results found for 'followthestar'
Follow along to learn how to add your Christmas services and events to your church's site on
You are invited to open our Advent calendar with us to reveal a daily family activity.
Thousands of people will take action to help tackle Climate Change as part of the Church of England’s first ever official green Lent campaign, launched today by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
Carol premiere forms part of the Church of England’s focus for Advent and Christmas 2023 ‘Follow the Star: Join the Song.’
The Church of England has published social media advice aimed at tackling offensive behaviour and misleading content and encouraging a positive atmosphere for online conversations.
The UK’s recent baking revolution is helping bring families together to share in the joy of Christmas, according the star baker Martha Collison as she backs the Church of England’s #FollowTheStar campaign.
FEATURE / Ideas on how your church can become a star church for this year's #FollowTheStar campaign.
Churches offering services from the Book of Common Prayer are seeing unprecedented engagement with hundreds choosing to ‘tune in’ to more traditional offerings.
Digital Evangelism / Read how one simple post on social media prompted this person to reconnect with their faith.