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A Christian presence in every community
10848 results found for 'life events vocations vocations pioneer ministry'
Every Christian has a vocation. What is God's plan for you? Information on discerning your vocation and exploring ministry in the Church of England.
Increasing the number and diversity of people engaging with the possibility of a Ministerial Vocation in the Church of England.
Fostering a culture in which the vocation of each member of the Church can be identified, nurtured and celebrated so the whole Church can grow and flourish.
Good practice and resources to support dioceses in growing vocations to ministry.
Pioneers are people called by God who are the first to see and creatively respond to the Holy Spirit’s initiatives with those outside the church; gathering others around them as they seek to establish new contextual Christian community.
Networks and resources for growing pioneer ministry.
Our service for Vocation Sunday comes from various locations around the Church of England. Rev Helen Fraser will lead this service, with contributions from people in different stages of their vocation.
NEWS / Church leaders are being provided with more support to encourage congregations to discover God's call in their lives in a new set of resources published today by the Church of England.
The Archbishops’ Advisers for Appointments and Vocations team is a key team within the Office of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, supporting and advising the Archbishops and the wider Church on the appointments process for senior clergy.
NEWS \ The Revd Helen Fraser takes up post as Head of Vocations for the Church of England