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A Christian presence in every community
489 results found for 'life events vocations vocations pioneer ministry'
Work to encourage lay Christians to see their roles in daily life as a vital part of the ministry of the Church has been given support in a new report published this month by the Church of England.
FEATURES / The Church of England is challenging every minister to commit to having one conversation a month about vocation with someone different from themselves.
Listen to Revd Roxanne Hunte discuss why she's backing the campaign.
Key workers will speak of how their Christian faith has helped give them strength to serve others during the coronavirus pandemic.
FEATURE / The Church of England is challenging every minister to commit to having one conversation a month about vocation with someone different from themselves.
Listen to the Bishop of Guildford, Andrew Watson, discuss the campaign.
A former airline pilot who saw the ‘face of Christ’ in the people he met after landing in some of the poorest areas of the world has been ordained a deacon.
The church-run Bereavement Journey course offers hope and changes lives.
After experiencing fame and travelling the world, Glyn Wise says it was the Church of England’s Ministry Experience Scheme that ultimately gave him confidence and got him close to God.
A pioneering project which could offer people living in hostels the chance to build their own home and a church scheme that helps vulnerably housed women are to pitch for funding to expand in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ style competition to help ease the housing crisis.
A former teacher who was drawn to ordained ministry in the Church of England as she took pupils on educational visits is now overseeing a key scheme allowing young adults to discover their vocation in life.
Read the story of a Bolton mum who was struggling with alcohol addiction before receiving care, compassion and community at her local church.