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FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
Draft for Consultation
Safe Spaces is planned as a vital support service for survivors of church-related abuse across the Church of England and the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
The Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (“EIAG”) has today published advice to the National Investing Bodies (NIBs) to guide their approach to international human rights norms. The EIAG advises robust human rights due diligence across supply chains, and that the NIBs continue to ensure that human rights are respected by the companies in which they invest. The NIBs have published a new stand-alone Human Rights policy in line with this guidance.
Building on the success of last year's Lent Campaign, The Church of England has launched this year's Lent and Easter Pilgrim. Find out how your church can get involved.
FEATURE / We’re excited to be updating churches and congregations across the country with this year’s #GodWithUs campaign.
A recent media report about the Church of England’s Redress Scheme contained inaccuracies and misleading information, which we are sorry has caused distress to survivors.
FEATURE / We’re delighted that LentPilgim and EasterPilgrim had an overall reach of 6.9 million through the national Church’s social media accounts, the app, email and Alexa.
NEWS / The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, lead bishop on safeguarding has issued a statement today following various media comments on his recent contribution in the House of Lords regarding Bishop George Bell.
How to get involved with UN climate conference - COP28