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A Christian presence in every community
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One of the questions we most frequently get asked as a team is ‘how can our church reach and engage different groups of people on social media?’
Learn about what to think about when writing new content for your website or social media channels, including language and layout.
The testers involved in the Church of England's website accessibility audit talk about their experience.
Find out more about and access the Pastoral Principles.
To live a generous life is to be liberated from thinking everything is ours or under our control. This film helps us understand our response to the seven generosities through the generosity web.
Hello. We’re delighted you’d like to pray for a child who has been, or will be, christened.
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
Bishops and other Pastors from Common Worship: Festivals by The Church of England.
Things to consider when creating content on web and social media for specific audience groups
A clear and simple approach to social media can go a long way to building anticipation and excitement for your service or event and reach more people with an invitation to come along.