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A Christian presence in every community
16917 results found for 'media 1571713 gs 1883 youth unemployment role of churches pdf'
FUTURE YOUTH is a new stream of the MES programme providing children, young people and families (CYPF) ministry opportunities to participants who are passionate about serving under 18s.
NEWS / Jimmy Dale has been appointed as the Church of England's first national Youth Evangelism Officer.
Resource for church leaders on supporting children and youth leaders.
Years after a missionary planted a church in his village in Ghana, Nicholas Lebey is now doing the same in South-East London.
Information and application form to apply for funding for youth evangelism projects.
NEWS / Statement on the Rt. Revd George Bell (1883 -1958).
What do you need to know about using social media as a youth worker? We've asked the Church of England's Safeguarding Team, with insights from youth workers on how to put this into practice.
In this blog, Commission Member Dez Brown provides his takeaways from a House of Commons event on solving youth violence.
The Archbishop of York Youth Trust is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with the Allchurches Trust that will enable the work of the Young Leaders Award to expand nationally.
Things to consider when creating content on web and social media for specific audience groups