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FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
Isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has been pervasive for domestic abuse victims: for those self-isolating with someone who is harming them, it may seem that there is no way out.
The lead chaplains to English football talk about their hopes for Qatar, the work of chaplains in sport, and practising penalties
Building on the success of last year's Lent Campaign, The Church of England has launched this year's Lent and Easter Pilgrim. Find out how your church can get involved.
A vital service offering support to new parents who are struggling to afford essentials for their babies is being run by a church.
Dame Rachel de Souza, Children's Commissioner for England, spoke at the National Education Conference 2023.
Parents describe their family’s decision to get baptised and confirmed after finding a home in their local church.
FEATURE / We’re excited to be updating churches and congregations across the country with this year’s #GodWithUs campaign.
FEATURE / We’re delighted that LentPilgim and EasterPilgrim had an overall reach of 6.9 million through the national Church’s social media accounts, the app, email and Alexa.
An Oxford College has celebrated the largest number of baptisms and confirmations in at least 20 years.