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By Gareth Mostyn – Chief Executive, Church Commissioners for England.
Comment from Adam Matthews, Chief Responsible Investment Officer at the Church of England Pensions Board following the decision of Shell to withdraw from the Cambo oilfield off Scotland.
NEWS / Statement from the Church of England Pensions Board as a supporter of the BHP shareholder resolution.
Sir Andreas Whittam Smith, First Church Estates Commissioner announced today his intention to step down from his current role following fifteen years' service.
The Church of England Pensions Board is today announcing its intention to disinvest from Shell plc and other oil and gas companies which are failing to show sufficient ambition to decarbonise in line with the aims of the Paris Agreement.
The Church Commissioners for England has welcomed Bayer’s first Industry Association Climate Review, which the healthcare and agriculture company published as part of its engagement with institutional investors through Climate Action 100+.
The Church of England’s Social Investment Programme today announced a £1m commitment to the Recovery Loan Fund.
NEWS / Edward Mason from the Church Commissioners for England, commenting on the Exxon Mobil AGM
The Church Commissioners in January 2020 committed our investment portfolio to being net zero by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement, as a member of the UN’s Asset Owner Alliance.
Hannah Woolley has been appointed Secretary to the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory group (EIAG), effective March 2023.