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A Christian presence in every community
1704 results found for 'media 2101114 gs 1921z draft church of england ecclesiastical property measure report pdf'
This page describes the various Ecclesiastical Courts and what kinds of cases they deal with.
Our teams deal with changes to parishes, certain property matters, the legal process of closing a church building which is no longer needed and finding those buildings new uses.
An introduction to independent research that reveals the exciting and significant impact that has been found in Fresh Expressions of Church, along with a tool to help fresh expressions practitioners measure this impact in their own contexts.
Details on how to apply for Ecclesiastical Legal Aid for clergy who are the subject of disciplinary proceedings
The Mission, Pastoral and Church Property Committee carries out certain functions of the Church Commissioners.
The Church Buildings Council seeks to support dioceses in working with parishes and other stakeholders where the future of a church building is being considered
Information about the implementation of the Cathedrals Working Group report approved by General Synod in 2018
Information about the ongoing review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
Legal opinions concerning the Church of England - ninth edition (2020).
Information about legislation that covers parish reorganisation, including closing church buildings and finding new uses for them.