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A Christian presence in every community
16502 results found for 'media 2148488 gs misc 1102 summary of decisions house of bishops december 2014 pdf'
On Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th December the House of Bishops met at Lambeth Palace.
The House of Bishops met in London at Lambeth Palace from 10-12 December.
The House of Bishops met remotely via Zoom for its final meeting of 2021 on Monday 13 December.
Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy - Appendix 1
Bishops discuss ongoing action in response to the Makin review and the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury in online meeting.
The House of Bishops met for a scheduled two-day meeting on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 December 2020 via Zoom.
Information about the House and College of Bishops and a summary of all Church of England's bishops' meetings.
In May 2014, the House of Bishops made its Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests (GS Misc 1076) in the context of impending legislation enabling the consecration of women as bishops.
Written determinations of disciplinary tribunals hearing complaints brought under the Clergy Discipline Measure, decisions on penalty and decisions following an appeal.