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A Christian presence in every community
16402 results found for 'media 2148570 gs misc 1099 report on archbishops councils activities pdf'
Archbishops' Council report debate and presentation by chair of audit committee
The Archbishops’ Council provides leadership, helps drive the vision of the Church of England through communications, mission, ministry, education and more.
The Archbishops’ Council is the main national policy making and funding body in support of the Church of England across the country.
STATEMENT / Archbishops Council IICSA Opening Statement
Statement from Archbishops' Council
Statement from Archbishops' Council regarding the Independent Safeguarding Board
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are to nominate Carl Hughes as the next Chair of the Archbishops’ Council Finance Committee, as the Council oversees £1.2 billion investment to spread the gospel and strengthen parish ministry across England.
NEWS / New member of Archbishops' Council announced.
Two members have been elected to serve on the Archbishops’ Council, following the arising of two casual vacancies.
A recent media report about the Church of England’s Redress Scheme contained inaccuracies and misleading information, which we are sorry has caused distress to survivors.