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A Christian presence in every community
280 results found for 'media 2529142 agenda july 2016 pdf'
The Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) released today the agenda for its Asset Owners State of Transition Climate Summit to be held on 2 July 2018 at the London Stock Exchange.
A year long global initiative is being launched to define an investor agenda to be achieved by 2030 for the mining sector.
Up to £155 million of additional investment is proposed over the next three years by the Church of England to fund an increase in number of people coming forward to train for the priesthood and support cathedrals and disadvantaged areas, under plans announced today.
The Church of England announced the publication today of its Briefing Paper on Shale Gas and Fracking.
On the 2nd anniversary of the Brumadinho tailings dam disaster, the Church of England Pensions Board, together with the Council of Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds leading a collaboration of investors committed to further interventions to drive change in the mining sector on tailings dams.
Investor Commission advised by UN Environment Programme, to develop ambitious agenda to ensure growth in mineral demand does zero harm to people and the environment
A roundtable bringing together investors from around the globe with a shared ambition to support the mining sector was hosted this week by the Church of England Pensions Board.
The Church of England Pensions Board, together with Swedish public pension funds AP7, AP2, AP3, AP4 and Danish AkademikerPension, has filed a case against Volkswagen AG.
ExxonMobil shareholders have shown significant support for a motion asking the company to report on how its business will be affected by worldwide efforts to combat climate change, despite the strong opposition of the company itself.
NEWS / Church Commissioners top rated for Responsible Investment by UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment.