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A Christian presence in every community
17116 results found for 'media 2529181 church commissioner annual report accounts 2015 pdf'
The Church of England Pensions Board ("the Board") has today published its full Annual Report and Accounts for 2015.
The Church of England Pensions Board ("the Board") has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2016, and the Report and Accounts for each of the four pension schemes of which the Board is the corporate trustee.
The Church of England Pensions Board has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2018, and the Report and Accounts for each of the four pension schemes of which the Board is the corporate trustee.
The Church of England Pensions Board has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2017, and the Report and Accounts for each of the four pension schemes of which the Board is the corporate trustee.
NEWS / The Church Commissioners for England have announced their latest financial results with the publication of their annual report.
Useful guide for anyone creating a new account for a church
Our annual reports for our conservation grants programme, which supports parishes in the conservation of ecclesiastical furnishings and artworks of historical and artistic significance
BLOG / Read up on the basics for setting up social media accounts for your church or individually.
Statement on publication of ISB annual report
The Church Commissioners for England, which manages the endowment fund of the Church of England, published its financial results for 2021 today in its Annual Report.