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A Christian presence in every community
16295 results found for 'media 2530469 gs misc 1140 code of practice as amended july 2016 pdf'
All relevant information, documents and papers for the July 2016 Group of Sessions.
As with all the ways we encourage giving within our churches, it is important that everyone abides by the Code of Fundraising Practice.
Various documents providing guidance on the disciplinary process
Information about legislation that covers parish reorganisation, including closing church buildings and finding new uses for them.
The General Synod has given overwhelming backing to new guidance which will help Church of England congregations to share mission and ministry more easily with a range of churches in their areas.
NEWS / General Synod July 2016 sessions: Friday.
NEWS / General Synod July 2016 sessions: Saturday.
Details of Amending Canons that have been promulged and executed since the publication of the seventh edition of the Canons.
NEWS / The Agenda for the July meeting of the General Synod is published today.