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The House of Bishops met to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic over Zoom today.
A meeting of the House of Bishops took place today on Wednesday 22 of July 2020 (by Zoom)
Bishop Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell will be confirmed as the 98th Archbishop of York at 11am on Thursday 9 July 2020, in an online service.
The Church of England Pensions Board today has announced it will not support the Follow This Resolution at Shell’s forthcoming AGM.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are calling for Church of England churches to put public worship on hold and become a “different sort of church”.
A special session of the Church of England General Synod, needed to pass urgent legislation enabling Synod to continue to operate amid the challenges of the pandemic, will go ahead in London on Thursday.
All Church of England churches are to close with immediate effect in an effort to help save lives by limiting the transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19.
Archbishop of Canterbury to lead a national broadcast as the Church of England responds to the challenge of becoming a “different sort of church” in the face of the challenge of coronavirus.
The diocese of London is still alive and active but must close buildings in London.
Christians are to be encouraged to make their own paper or card ‘palm’ crosses and display these in their windows in a national virtual church service for Palm Sunday to be broadcast by the Church of England.