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A Christian presence in every community
393 results found for 'media 2543401 notice paper july 2016 pdf'
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
FEATURE / The Church of England has more than doubled its monthly reach on social media this year, from 1.2 million in 2017 to 2.44 million in 2017/2018.
FEATURE / We’re delighted that LentPilgim and EasterPilgrim had an overall reach of 6.9 million through the national Church’s social media accounts, the app, email and Alexa.
FEATURE / A huge thank you to dioceses and local churches across England and the Diocese in Europe for getting involved in #GodWithUs and bringing the Advent and Christmas journey to millions of people. We really appreciate the feedback given in the run up to the campaign and your help in shaping and sharing it.
FEATURE / Ideas on how your church can become a star church for this year's #FollowTheStar campaign.
FEATURE / A Church of England priest has set up a group in a pub to discuss death and dying.
FEATURE / You might have noticed a new acronym popping up all over the place of late – GDPR – or the General Data Protection Regulation. It’s EU legislation that comes into force in May this year.
A weekend of night walks on the beach, survival techniques and worship around the campfire helped a group of young people from across a city switch off, connect with friends and learn more about God
Revd Dr Brendan McCarthy, the Church of England's National Adviser on Medical Ethics, Health and Social Care Policy, sets out the Church of England's response to calls for 'doctor assisted dying'
Influencer Sadie Robertson has told millions of social media followers that Jesus is the “thrill of hope” as she reflects on Christmas in a Church of England Youth Reflection.