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A Christian presence in every community
15200 results found for 'media 3856865 2015 Statutory ACCOUNTS pdf'
Clearer approach to clergy discipline gains final approval.
Too many barriers and ‘inbuilt prejudices’ act to deter people from exploring roles in the Church of England, the General Synod heard today, as members backed a national drive to encourage vocations from people from working class backgrounds.
Church roles are many and varied. Discover the variety of ministry within the Church of England.
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.
Service materials, community engagement guidance, marketing materials and more, all to help your church engage with Generosity Week.
Generosity is at the heart of our faith. We believe in a generous God and our own generosity is a testament and hallmark of our faith in action. It's the most wonderful gift to us, and to those around us.
The INEQE Safeguarding Group has today published its first annual report into the independent audit work looking at safeguarding arrangements within Church of England dioceses and cathedrals.