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A Christian presence in every community
238 results found for 'media 3856865 2015 Statutory ACCOUNTS pdf'
The diocese of London is still alive and active but must close buildings in London.
The BBC has confirmed it is screening a documentary on the Peter Ball case.
The Church of England’s Worship at Home for the fourth Sunday of Advent reflects on the experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of those suffering from illness, bereavement and mental health setbacks.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited the nation to join them in prayer for the second national lockdown in England.
The Church of England has announced today a new set of resources outlining the support available for those in ordained ministry, and those training for ordination, who become parents.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York and a number of senior church leaders are inviting Christians across the nation to participate in the month of prayer as a second lockdown in England comes into force.
The Archbishop of Canterbury will call for “a resurrection of our common life,” during his Easter Sunday sermon.
Archbishop of Canterbury to lead a national broadcast as the Church of England responds to the challenge of becoming a “different sort of church” in the face of the challenge of coronavirus.
A meeting of the House of Bishops took place today, Tuesday 29 September 2020 via Zoom.
We have been made aware of a complaint to the Charity Commission and of course will cooperate fully with any future process, because we are absolutely committed to the importance of safeguarding throughout the life of the Church of England.