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A Christian presence in every community
617 results found for 'media 3858046 gs 2014b draft mission pastoral amendment measure pdf'
Bishops and other Pastors from Common Worship: Festivals by The Church of England.
Emergency Baptism from Common Worship: Pastoral Services by The Church of England.
Commentary by the Liturgical Commission
Wholeness and Healing from Common Worship: Pastoral Services by The Church of England.
Common of the Saints from Common Worship: Festivals by The Church of England.
Common Prayer and the Law from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
A Form of Solemnization of Matrimony from Alternative Services: Series One in Common Worship: Pastoral Services by The Church of England.
Resource Section Themes from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
Rites of Affirmation: Appropriating Baptism from Common Worship: Christian Initiation by The Church of England.
G Praise and Thanksgiving from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.