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A Christian presence in every community
1667 results found for 'media 3863856 gs misc 1153 update on ac activities pdf'
Copies of subordinate legislation which has not been laid before Parliament that is currently in force
Penny Pullan summarizes her research into how church is experienced by people with invisible illnesses.
Marcia Stephens relates her experience of living with endometriosis.
Holly Newton reflects on her experience of living with a hidden disability.
We cover everything from before the cradle to after the grave: from embryo research to organ donation and anything medical or health-related in between.
Training for those who take a lead volunteer role or who are employed in Children's and Youth Ministry
Training for volunteer session leaders in children and youth ministry
The College of Archdeacons offers support, training, and development for archdeacons in the Church of England and the Church in Wales, including the deans of the Channel Islands and the archdeacons of HM Forces.
Everyday faith resources for church leaders, PCCs and those interested in using the Everyday Faith campaign in their church.
Get in touch with the Church of England Communications team.