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A Christian presence in every community
14890 results found for 'media 3896819 cofe policy statement pdf'
Key policy and practice guidance documents which inform the Church of England's safeguarding work.
The Church of England website privacy policy.
The Church of England website cookie policy.
This section contains information about guidance relating to family friendly policies.
Our community guidelines have been created to encourage conversations that reflect our values. They apply to all content posted on the national social media accounts run by the Church of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop of York.
This statement sets out the policies and procedures adopted by each of the National Church Institutions (NCIs) and has been approved so that it constitutes their Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
To contact the press office call 0207 898 1326 (monitored inside and outside office hours)
or email [email protected] (routinely monitored during office hours)
This Website acceptable use policy tells you what are the permitted uses and prohibited uses and the general terms of use on which you may make use of the Church of England website
The Church of England’s National Investing Bodies (NIBs) today announced the launch of a new policy on investing in extractive industries. The policy provides a distinctively Christian approach to investment in the extractives industries.