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A Christian presence in every community
1672 results found for 'media 4000437 gs 2068 52nd standing orders committee report pdf'
The most updated version of the General Synod Standing Orders.
A list of all of the subsidiary bodies (Committees and Commissions) of the General Synod of the Church of England.
The results of all elections of the General Synod or of its constituent Houses, from January 2022 to present. A list of all appointments made by the General Synod's Appointments Committee from January 2022 to present.
There are many ways in which Christians can stand up for freedom of religion or belief.
Our conservation committees are made up of leading experts in heritage and church conservation, architecture, art history and archaeology.
A summary outline of all diocesean Additional Matters Order.
The Faith and Order Commission is the theological advisory board of the Church of England.
Information about Bishops' Mission Orders (BMOs) and the associated Code of Practice.
The Standing Commission supports the House of Bishops and dioceses with monitoring the implementation of the Declaration and the Five Guiding Principles, and disseminating good practice at all levels within the Church in this area.
Our role of the Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns (CMEAC) is to identify, monitor and take forward concerns of BAME Anglicans and make recommendations for change.