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A Christian presence in every community
16208 results found for 'media 4035446 ac age limit measure guidance for website october 2017 pdf'
General Synod has called on the Government to introduce legislation requiring pornographic sites to use age verification systems.
A list of some of the most important things to get you started on social media.
Manage your church social media with these 19 recommended tools.
An introduction to independent research that reveals the exciting and significant impact that has been found in Fresh Expressions of Church, along with a tool to help fresh expressions practitioners measure this impact in their own contexts.
Key policy and practice guidance documents which inform the Church of England's safeguarding work.
Websites and social media make it easy for people to find you online. We share five quick updates to make sure your online presence is up to date and inviting.
Legal Opinions from the General Synod's Legal Advisory Commission, as well as other formal guidance relating to legislation
Information about legislation that covers parish reorganisation, including closing church buildings and finding new uses for them.
The Church of England website privacy policy.
This Website acceptable use policy tells you what are the permitted uses and prohibited uses and the general terms of use on which you may make use of the Church of England website