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A Christian presence in every community
15431 results found for 'media 660043 care of episcopal records dec 2009 pdf'
These records management guides have been researched and produced to help parishes, dioceses, bishops and cathedrals to develop best practice.
NEWS / Statement on marriage in Scottish Episcopal Church.
Details about the process to elect the episcopal member of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) for the See of Canterbury are now available.
NEWS / Women in the Episcopate Bishop of Rochester, James Langstaff
Find out more about the commissioners for the Reimagining Care Commission.
Past Reports of Proceedings; a record of the Business Done at each group of sessions and the electronic voting results for individual items.
Audio is often an afterthought when recording a video, but it can make a huge difference to the overall quality of your production.
If simple appeals to you - perhaps your team is small, or you’d like to build your confidence and skills before moving into something more involved– here are our tips for taking a simple approach to livestreaming.
Christmas attendance at cathedrals breaks records for second year running.
Our community guidelines have been created to encourage conversations that reflect our values. They apply to all content posted on the national social media accounts run by the Church of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop of York.