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Find out more about Easter Day and what it means to Christians around the world.
Tables, from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
Easter Day, from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). Cambridge University Press, 2006 edition.
Join us from St Mary's Church, Holy Island, to celebrate this Easter Day as Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell talks of how the resurrection of Jesus is the turning point in our lives.
Join us from Holy Trinity, North Ormesby in The Diocese of York, for our Easter Day service. The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell is going to be preaching on The Resurrection, and will be joined by The Revd Bridget Woodall.
A former inmate at Winchester Prison will speak of how the Christian faith changed his life in an Easter Day service streamed into cells across the country this weekend.
From the Crypt Chapel in Lambeth Palace, watch this exclusive clip from Rev Canon Chris Russell. Filmed as part of our weekly worship, the full online service marks the Third Sunday of Lent with the theme 'Overturning the Tables'.
Families everywhere enjoy Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday. It’s the first of several traditions which continue right up until Easter Day. Read more about how families can join in with all of these special events.
Easter from Common Worship: Holy Week and Easter by The Church of England.
Easter from Common Worship: Times and Seasons by The Church of England.