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280 results found for 'media 877855 6 table find easter day pdf'
NEWS / Today the Church of England Pensions Board tabled a shareholder resolution with Australian, Danish and Dutch investors, at the AGM of BHP, the world’s largest mining company.
NEWS / Investors give mining companies 45 days for full disclosure on tailings storage facilities
NEWS / New research finds highest-emitting companies off-track to meet Paris climate goals, and puts investors on “emergency footing”
Energy sector is improving its climate performance, but too slowly, concludes research from $39 trillion-backed Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI)
The report follows an interim announcement in June 2022, which reported for the first time, and with great dismay, that the Church Commissioners’ endowment had historic links to transatlantic chattel slavery*
The Church of England has today launched new resources to help churches to take part in ‘Generosity Week.’
By Gareth Mostyn – Chief Executive, Church Commissioners for England.
Remarks by Adam Matthews, Head of Engagement for the Church Commissioners and Church of England Pensions Board, at today's Royal Dutch Shell AGM.
To mark Human Rights Day, the Church Commissioners for England today announces it will begin to vote against companies that fail to meet its expectations on human rights.
A global coalition of investors representing approximately USD 2.5 trillion in assets under management is urging governments to take ambitious policy and regulatory action to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss.