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966 results found for 'media news press releases draft prayers thanksgiving dedication gods blessing same sex'
Read safeguarding news and views from the National Safeguarding Team.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2020.
The House of Bishops COVID-19 recovery group has shared draft guidelines for when funerals, weddings, baptisms and individual private prayer can recommence in church buildings.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2021.
Financial press releases.
Bishops of Southwark and Croydon dedicate the chapel as the Chapel of Reconciliation.
NEWS / Synod voted today that proposals for draft legislation to enable the Church of England to deal more effectively with safeguarding issues be brought forward.
The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, chair of the Church of England’s Recovery Group, has released a statement on individual prayer in churches.
A prayer to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Stephen Lawrence Day.
Safeguarding Sunday prayer video launched