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The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
The Church of England's Ministry Experience Scheme, which helps young people to explore their vocation, has been described as a ‘great hope’ for the future, as more than 100 young people gathered for its annual conference.
The Ministry Experience Scheme in the Diocese of Guildford.
Senior leadership learning and development team provide learning and development opportunities to clergy holding senior positions. Equipping them for the significant missional challenges of leading the Church of England.
Faith in the North seeks to encourage a movement of prayer, storytelling and church planting inspired by the Northern Saints.
The Church of England is providing warm spaces for people struggling to pay energy bills this winter, offering not just a refuge from the cold, but in many cases, food, activities and a chance to make friends and be part of a community.
The 30k Project seeks to develop and support 30,000 new leaders of children, young people and their families (CYPF) by 2030.
Information about the House and College of Bishops and a summary of all Church of England's bishops' meetings.