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861 results found for 'more clergy resources clergy payroll annual hlc return 2017'
The Church of England Pensions Board has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2017, and the Report and Accounts for each of the four pension schemes of which the Board is the corporate trustee.
NEWS / The Church Commissioners for England published today financial results for 2017 and the year’s Annual Report.
The final stages for publishing a National Register of Clergy, to strengthen safeguarding in the Church of England, are now underway.
Key insights from an ongoing Church of England research programme into clergy flourishing are to be distributed to curates across the country as part of an initiative to promote clergy wellbeing, it was announced today.
Stipendiary clergy, along with some retired and self-supporting ministers, are being encouraged to take part in a confidential listening exercise designed to help inform a review of the clergy remuneration package.
The Revd Lynda Davies, Rector of All Saints Cottenham, in Ely Diocese has been appointed to the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Panel as a parish clergy member.
Churches and clergy across the country are being invited to take part in discussion about a new partnership aimed at improving the care and wellbeing of ministers, in a ‘Big Conversation’ launched today.
NEWS / The Church Commissioners for England have announced their latest financial results with the publication of their annual report.
FEATURE / In this Renewal and Reform podcast, we speak to those responsible for supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people as they follow their calling to ordained ministry.
The Church of England’s CDM Working Group has published a progress report acknowledging the hurt experienced by many under the CDM process, and recommending that the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 is replaced with a new piece of legislation.