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A Christian presence in every community
14490 results found for 'more clergy resources retirement housing'
Join the conversation about retirement housing for clergy and share more about your plans.
The Church is putting forward proposals to rethink how the Church best supports future cohorts of clergy with retirement housing.
A review of the feedback received in response to the Enabling Choice consultation which will help inform the design of future services and future national Church resource allocation discussions.
Practical information and advice for clergy.
Find out your options when you come to access your Clergy pension.
Find out more about saving more into your Clergy pension.
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board today announced that it has issued £50 million of bonds, giving it access to a further tranche of long-term finance to purchase additional properties for its clergy retirement housing scheme.
About the House of Clergy, one of the three houses of the General Synod.
Three clergy from UK Minority Ethnic/Global Majority Heritage backgrounds have been elected to serve on the House of Bishops as part of action towards making the leadership of the Church of England more representative, it was announced today.
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