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The Church of England’s General Synod today welcomed the Church Commissioners’ and Archbishops’ Council’s long term spending plans.
Up to £155 million of additional investment is proposed over the next three years by the Church of England to fund an increase in number of people coming forward to train for the priesthood and support cathedrals and disadvantaged areas, under plans announced today.
The Church Commissioners for England played a leading role in a shareholder rebellion at the Annual General Meeting of ExxonMobil.
NEWS / Edward Mason from the Church Commissioners for England, commenting on the Exxon Mobil AGM
The Church Commissioners for England has learned from research it commissioned that Queen Anne’s Bounty, a predecessor fund of the Church Commissioners’ £10.1 billion endowment, had links with transatlantic chattel slavery.
NEWS / The Church of England Pensions Board, together with investors with assets totalling nearly £50bn, has filed a shareholder resolution at Rio Tinto calling on the company to review and fully disclose its relationships with industry bodies.
The Church of England Pensions Board submitted a response to the consultation for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s Exposure Draft IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information.
The Church Commissioners for England today reiterated support for the climate-related shareholder resolution, filed against the board of ExxonMobil, and calls on Exxon not to block the resolution going to a vote in 2020.
The Church Commissioners for England is developing a net zero carbon strategy for its land investments as it delivers on its Respect for the Planet responsible investment strategy.
NEWS / New research finds highest-emitting companies off-track to meet Paris climate goals, and puts investors on “emergency footing”