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A Christian presence in every community
1203 results found for 'more libraries archives records management guide'
Faith in the North seeks to encourage a movement of prayer, storytelling and church planting inspired by the Northern Saints.
The 30k Project seeks to develop and enhance support for existing employed children, young people and families (CYPF) ministers.
The 30k Project seeks to develop and support 30,000 new leaders of children, young people and their families (CYPF) by 2030.
Information about the House and College of Bishops and a summary of all Church of England's bishops' meetings.
All the relevant information, documents and papers for the February 2025 Group of Sessions in London.
Proposals for pastoral reorganisation affecting the parish of Millom and church of St Luke, Haverigg in the diocese of Carlisle.
This consultation expires on Monday 24th February 2025.
We are hosting a series of webinars to help you engage with the vision and strategic priorities, explore what the priorities might mean in your context, and identify examples of what is working well and resources that are available.
Independent lessons learnt reviews, Past Cases Review 2 and INEQE audit reports.
Growing Faith activities