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A Christian presence in every community
12896 results found for 'more libraries archives records management guides'
Lambeth Palace Library is the historic library and record office of the Archbishops of Canterbury and the main archive for the documentary history of the Church of England.
These records management guides have been researched and produced to help parishes, dioceses, bishops and cathedrals to develop best practice.
Enslavement: Voices from the Archives, opens to the public at Lambeth Palace Library, in central London, on 12 January 2023.
An archive of the Shared Conversations on Scripture, Mission and Human Sexuality which took place in the Church of England.
Pip Willcox has been appointed the new Head of Lambeth Palace Library.
A conservation management plan is a useful tool for recognising and reconciling tensions that may come up between the necessary life of the worshiping community and the significance of the place. It helps the church and its community to rise above these tensions in order to develop and grow. Conservation management plans are likely to be especially useful to major churches and cathedrals.
Information and advice on managing volunteers for a community action project.
This guide offers you just some ideas for being a great godparent. You may have many more ideas of your own along the way.
The new Lambeth Palace Library has welcomed new books on the environment following a donation.
BLOG / How to build up your collection of photography to use on web and social media