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A Christian presence in every community
318 results found for 'more libraries archives records management'
The new Lambeth Palace Library has welcomed new books on the environment following a donation.
A Cathedral choir has recorded a fundraising anthem for Ukrainian children, to be released on Mothering Sunday.
A food bank founded by a church has seen demand surge by 500 per cent during lockdown as elderly and vulnerable people unable to get to shops because of shielding and self-isolating receive help.
FEATURE / Latest figures show a 22% increase in people selected to train for the priesthood over the last two years, with a 32% increase in young people.
FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
The restoration of an early 20th century church clock has brought joy to a parish after it was silent for more than 15 years.
Churches are hosting activities from curry nights to community barbecues as part of a summer holiday scheme that is expected to feed more than 1,000 children in one diocese alone.
Christians reviving ’graffiti’ tradition as public expression of faith.
The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, reflects on the outcomes of COP28
The summit should make good on commitments to tackling climate change, writes Rt Revd Graham Usher, lead Bishop for the environment.