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399 results found for 'more media centre news bishops issue open letter brexit'
The Psalter from Common Worship: The Main Volume by The Church of England.
Lectionary from Common Worship: The Main Volume by The Church of England.
The Lord’s Prayer from Common Worship: Daily Prayer by The Church of England.
Bishops and other Pastors from Common Worship: Festivals by The Church of England.
Introduction by the House of Bishops from Common Worship: Ordination Services by The Church of England.
Space and Colour from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
Commentary by the Liturgical Commission
Canticles from Common Worship: Daily Prayer by The Church of England.
Common Worship Ordination Services from Common Worship: Ordination Services by The Church of England.
Prayers from Common Worship: Daily Prayer by The Church of England.