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A Christian presence in every community
14709 results found for 'more media centre news growing numbers young people train priests'
Growing numbers of young people are seeking ordination to the priesthood.
A 14% increase in numbers training for the priesthood has been welcomed by the Church of England. An anticipated total of 543 men and women will begin studies this Autumn at colleges across England.
A scheme offering young people experience of ministry in Church of England parishes is attracting an increasing number of participants, according to new figures released today.
Support for parishes and dioceses adopting the bold outcome to double the number of children and young people across the Church of England by 2030.
The 30k Project is developing a suite of CYPF ministry training that will be suitable for those with no previous experience or qualifications, all the way up to post-graduate degrees.
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FEATURE / The Church of England’s digital communications team has trained more than 200 parishes in social media and writing for the web.
What do you need to know about using social media as a youth worker? We've asked the Church of England's Safeguarding Team, with insights from youth workers on how to put this into practice.
How we support children and young people through churches across England
FEATURE / Latest figures show a 22% increase in people selected to train for the priesthood over the last two years, with a 32% increase in young people.