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A Christian presence in every community
409 results found for 'more media centre news growing numbers young people train priests'
The Psalter - verse numbering differences
9. Peace to God’s People: Holy Communion during the Christmas Season
Guidance on Using the Alternative Baptism Texts from Common Worship: Christian Initiation - Additional Baptism Texts in Accessible Language by The Church of England.
Planning and Preparation in General from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
Common Worship Ordination Services from Common Worship: Ordination Services by The Church of England.
I Action and Movement from New Patterns for Worship by The Church of England.
Rites on the Way: Approaching Baptism from Common Worship: Christian Initiation by The Church of England.
Reconciliation and Restoration: Recovering Baptism from Common Worship: Christian Initiation by The Church of England.
Commentary by the Liturgical Commission
Holy Week from Common Worship: Holy Week and Easter by The Church of England.