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A Christian presence in every community
1416 results found for 'more media centre news growing numbers young people train priests'
Support for parishes and dioceses adopting the bold outcome to double the number of children and young people across the Church of England by 2030.
The 30k Project is developing a suite of CYPF ministry training that will be suitable for those with no previous experience or qualifications, all the way up to post-graduate degrees.
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How we support children and young people through churches across England
This Call for Reflections is designed to offer children and young people the chance to contribute directly to the Archbishops' Commission on Families and Households and to express their views about the support families and households need to flourish.
Resources to recruit more volunteers with children and young people.
A range of resources for schools, young people and families to commemorate the Coronation.
Are you thinking of volunteering to lead children and young people? Take a look at these Volunteer Profile Cards to see people who are volunteering with children and youth in their church right now.
Ensuring that you recruit safely and well when recruiting new volunteers with children and young people.
Growing Faith activities