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A Christian presence in every community
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Around 560 ordinands completing theological training next year are on course to take up posts in the Church of England in spite of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on church finances, it was announced today.
Grants to provide opportunities to learn about cutting-edge science for people training for the priesthood in the Church of England are to be made available as part of a £3.4 million project aimed at transforming the relationship between science and faith.
More than 17,000 online services and events are being provided by Church of England churches following the introduction of the lockdown and restrictions on public worship earlier this year.
England’s cathedrals continue to play a huge role in the worship, heritage, and civic life of the country according to the latest figures from the Church of England.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2020.
The Church of England is preparing to take the church into people’s homes – through TV screens, laptops, computers and mobile phones – ahead of the first Sunday without public worship.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2021.
A housing advice surgery and a church-based cleaning company employing people who have been homeless have been awarded £30,000 each to expand their work in a competition backed by the Church of England.
More than £10m in grants have been awarded to 66 churches and cathedrals across the country.
Women made up the majority of deacons ordained in the Church of England last year for the first time, according to new statistics published today.