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A Christian presence in every community
208 results found for 'more media centre news statement pastoral guidance use conjunction affirmation baptismal faith'
Guidance on weddings and baptisms during the current period of restrictions on public gatherings to combat coronavirus has been updated by the Church of England.
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2021.
We look forward to the time when we are able to gather again in our church buildings. We are examining what steps we will need to take to do so safely.
The House of Bishops has welcomed and commended the decision of the Government to open places of worship for public worship from 4 July at a virtual meeting held on June 24th.
The House of Bishops COVID-19 recovery group has shared draft guidelines for when funerals, weddings, baptisms and individual private prayer can recommence in church buildings.
The Church of England has published new advice to help parish churches and cathedrals prepare to reopen their buildings for public worship after more than three months of lockdown because of the coronavirus.
The House of Bishops today discussed a range of issues around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and approved further advice on funerals, the celebration of Holy Communion and ordinations.
The Church of England’s Mission and Public Affairs division has published advice to parishes on practical steps to reduce the risk of infection from Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Press releases from January 1st 2020 - December 31st 2020.
Bishops of Southwark and Chichester join with other church leaders in a joint statement on the situation in Cameroon.