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A Christian presence in every community
10945 results found for 'more media centre news'
We are hosting a series of webinars to help you engage with the vision and strategic priorities, explore what the priorities might mean in your context, and identify examples of what is working well and resources that are available.
The 30k Project seeks to develop and support 30,000 new leaders of children, young people and their families (CYPF) by 2030.
Why will cathedrals and churches light up red in November?
Proposals for pastoral reorganisation affecting the benefices Haddenham; Wilburton; Sutton; Witcham with Mepal; Coveney; Ely; and Witchford with Wentworth in the diocese of Ely.
This consultation has now closed.
Proposals affecting the benefices of Shrewsbury Holy Cross in the diocese of Lichfield.