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A Christian presence in every community
371 results found for 'more policy thinking our views environment climate change deo map'
The Bishop of Norwich, Graham Usher, outlines the challenge following his appointment as Lead Bishop for Environmental Affairs.
A church on the Isle of Wight has taken on climate change as a community after monthly services focussed on the environment – and found its congregation growing in the process.
Cop 27 has begun at a time of global crisis which ranges beyond the climate emergency.
A vicarage in a deprived area of Bristol has been transformed by the installation of solar panels, insulation and an air source heat pump.
The new Lambeth Palace Library has welcomed new books on the environment following a donation.
The summit should make good on commitments to tackling climate change, writes Rt Revd Graham Usher, lead Bishop for the environment.
The Rev Mia Hilborn, Senior Brigade Chaplain at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, writes about her experience of the Coronavirus pandemic.
How to get involved with UN climate conference - COP28
Churches and cathedrals are taking on the climate crisis with solar panels on their roofs.
FEATURE / Latest figures show a 22% increase in people selected to train for the priesthood over the last two years, with a 32% increase in young people.