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A Christian presence in every community
16724 results found for 'news media news statements report housing crisis challenge soul church england archbishop'
The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned of the ‘challenge to the soul’ of the Church of England posed by a landmark report calling on the Church to lead by example in solving the housing crisis.
Statement provided in response to an item on Channel 4 news this evening about the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Archbishop of Canterbury statement on Soul Survivor
Read about the latest news from the Church of England working with other Christian Churches across the world.
The latest news from the Reimagining Care Commission.
Read the latest news about the Housing, Church and Community Commission - Coming Home.
Read safeguarding news and views from the National Safeguarding Team.
Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani to become the Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Housing to spearhead the Church’s efforts to help ease the UK’s crippling housing crisis.
COMMENT / The Archbishop of Canterbury on the launch of a new Commission on Housing
Latest news and updates about Enabling Choice, a consultation on new choices to support clergy with retirement housing.