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A Christian presence in every community
10 results found for 'node 27986 printable introduction htm'
The January 2022 meeting of the National Safeguarding Steering Group, NSSG, was chaired by the lead safeguarding bishop.
Summary National Safeguarding Steering Group (NSSG) November 2023
General Synod voted today to acknowledge and apologise for past safeguarding wrongs. It also voted to endorse work on legislative and non-legislative changes to tighten procedures which have been identified following the Chichester Commissaries interim and final safeguarding reports.
Safeguarding resources, for use in churches across the country, including Bible readings, prayers and suggested hymns, chosen in consultation with survivors, have been published today
A number of survivors and safeguarding professionals from the National Safeguarding Team, dioceses and parishes have worked together to develop a series of videos.
A response to the publication of IICSA's final report
Victim Support has been awarded the contract to manage Safe Spaces, a joint Church of England/Church in Wales and Catholic Church in England and Wales (CCEW) project to provide a vital support service for survivors of church-related abuse.
NSSG report from May and March 2022
The Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team (NST) has today published the key findings and recommendations, along with the full report, from the independent review into the processes used in the Bishop George Bell case.
Safeguarding presentation to General Synod from national safeguarding director Alexander Kubeyinje and lead safeguarding bishop Jonathan Gibbs