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A Christian presence in every community
9179 results found for 'node 27986 printable part 11 index htm'
Index for the PCC Accountability Guide.
The General Synod Office commissions an index of GS Papers every 5 years. Download the relevant index here.
In January 2019 the Church of England Pensions Board announced a £600 million allocation to a new stock index that supports the transition to a low carbon economy.
Index of the Canons of the Church of England
‘FTSE TPI Climate Transition Index’ launched at London Stock Exchange with £600 million allocation from the Church of England Pensions Board.
An online version of the latest version of the Church Representation Rules, available as HTML content.
Would you like to play your part in discovering what is God’s call to the Church of England today regarding questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage?
Stipendiary clergy, along with some retired and self-supporting ministers, are being encouraged to take part in a confidential listening exercise designed to help inform a review of the clergy remuneration package.
In the run-up to the General Election, join us in prayer for our country and play your part as citizens and voters.